Our teachers’ team

Bizimana Ananie (Cameroon)
has been specialising in concept and practice of mediation and positive conflict management. He is co-founder of the UPA and may offer his competence in coaching your back home peace activity after the Campus training.

Chomé Etienne (Belgium)
With the 130 facilitators that he has trained in the CommunicActions International School (www.commu-nicactions.org), he teaches the C-R-I-T-E-R-E method to better manage our conflicts, in varied socioeconomic and cultural groups, on four continents. This training results in amazing trans-formations in everyday life. It gives access to the best available research in communication and negotiation via a training course that provides techniques recognized for their effectiveness, concrete tools that permit in depth improvements in our everyday relationships in the couple, the family, at work and at school. Each step of the course comprises numerous exercises that provide the means to arouse a real inner revolution and the art of drawing agreements from our disagreements. Étienne Chomé is a professor at the International Institute Lumen Vitae and at the Catholic University of Louvain, in Belgium. He is also a consultant and a coach in companies.

Groot Theo (Uganda)
shares with us his 30 years of experience in international development co-operation in Africa. He brings his methodology and tools to impact on positive mechanisms of social (inter-)action: the open forum, the positive dynamics and energies in groups and task forces, the social healing through trustful dialogue forum.

Heindl Hubert (Germany)
is co-founder and member of the Directors' Team of UPA. During his livelong professional carreer he involved in a multitude of responsiblities in (international) NGOs and multi-sectoral and multi-expertise international projects. As a sociologist of development and adult pedagogue (andragogue) he is committed to social action-research and action oprientated training, to development of human and organisational ressources. Based on this specialisation and on long years of work and liiving in Africa, he created 30 years ago the development agency APTE (Agency for Project consultancy, Training and Evaluation) and is team director of a wide network of local and international development consultants. He cares particularly about your preparation process to our Campus and about your back-home Peace activity implementing your UPA learnings in your home (work and life) situation.

Kenmogne, Dr. Jean-Blaise (Cameroon)
Theologian, philosopher, PhD in Human Rights and social entrepreneur, Pastor Jean-Blaise is a multidimensional man: founder of the Cercle International pour la Promotion de la Création (CIPCRE, www.ciprcre.org) in 1990, an ecological and sustainable development NGO that he coordinates as its General Director, he is also the promotor and the Vice-chancellor of the Cameroon Evangelical University which was created in 2010. He is Chairman of the “Service Chrétien d’Appui à l’Animation Rurale” (SECAAR) since March 2013. His approach of development is based on three principles: the ethics of connections, holism and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In other words, development is seen as ethics, pedagogy and pastoral care. Are there any better ingredients for the creation of conditions for peace in the world? Pastor Jean-Blaise is convinced that development is another word for Peace. In his publications as in his pastoral preaching, in his teachings as well as in his interventions at the grassroots level, he is distinguished with his alternative proposals towards the building of another world possible, in justice and peace.

Leonard Sonja (Belgium)
is associated professor of our sister institute “Peace University of Namur”. For many years she has been committed to teach and practice non-violent communication. During her module on the campus she is particularly capable of establishing amongst us a non-violent communication.

Manirakiza Oswald (Burundi)
is an internationally (USA) trained lawyer specialised in Human Rights protection. He brings along his years-long experience and involvment in Human Rights awarness and promotion in the Great Lakes Region.

Mfonyoumdi Zoundedou (Cameroon)
is professional journalist and committed himself since many years as panafrican Peace Builder. He features a wide field of community and institutional action where he works to combine his religious belief with the integral development of man. As an active Imam he is a committed activist in the interreligious platform in his country. Convinced that each individual carries within him/her a fragment of intelligence and knowledge of common humanity, he focusses on non-violent and consensual conflict management based on the principles and attitudes of non-violent communication.

Mühlen, Dr. Alexander (Germany)
since he retired as Ambassador of Germany, he is engaged in action-research and teaching of mechanisms and dynamics of successful negociation. His book “International Negotiations” (Abu Dhabi, 2003) opens our learning to the sphere of diplomatics and politics, for wich he wishes strongly an active and complementary integration of Peace Builders.

Nizeyimana Gilbert, (Rwanda)
Since 2008, he is manager - consultant and representative in the Great Lakes region for the UPA team of APTE – Agency for project consultancy, Training and Evaluation. He coordinates a renewable energy expertise office whose leitmotiv is "Peace with nature". He engages and brings his expertise in project set-up, engineering, financing and management and in developing courageous teams that catalyse peace, equitable development, social coherence and integral human flourishing. It is part of the UPA Campus organising team, facilitates the preparation of candidates, animates the "Campus Village" each year and accompanies the Laureates' back home projects.

Ntezimana Laurien (Rwanda)
Theologian and sociologist, founder and coach of “Association Modeste et Innocent” (AMI, www.ami-ubuntu.com) an NGO (co-founder of UPA) dedicated since 2000 to social healing and reconciliation in Rwanda. His teaching is an original and innovative method called “Real Inner Power” which enables every human being to become a true Peace Builder. The Real Inner Power in one sentence: “While struggling with the challenges of life, remain steady (stability) and enterprising (energy), without turning “the challenger” into an enemy (union) because his secret mission is to turn us away from the illusion that is what divides us in order to turn us towards the reality that is what unites us.” Mr Ntezimana has been granted several International Prices, such as “Pax Christi International Peace Price” (1998), “Theodor Haecker Preis for Political Courageousness and Veracity” (2003) and “Harubuntu Civil Society Price” (2013).

Petry Martin (Germany)
is a live long human right activist and working against exclusion and injustice. Based on his long experience in Africa and his ongoing international consultations, he shares with us his expertise in creating and organizing networks: as a resourcement of strength and motivation for every Peace Builder. He is active member of the German based network "Peace Ressources" and links our UPA Laureats with very committed human ressources and Peace projects (www.peace-resources.de)

Rougevin-Baville Sophie (France)
worked at Internationa Red Cross for 10 years in war affected countries, learning in field and experiencing basics of protection and rebuilding human life through humanitarian work and empathic relations. Sophie is mediator and certified trainer in Non-Violent Communication (Ecole de Médiateurs). She is training groupes, associations and companies in conflict competence and positive conflict resolution through dialogue and group dynamics. She is coaching leaders and leading private individuals to develop their full personal potential and for to make significant change in their lifes.

Romain Louise (France)
is the acting director of 'The Peace Factory' (www.peacefactory.fr), an (international) team for (certified) training of Non-Violent Communication. She brings with her a particluar approach of visualised learning of NVC and her bi-lingual teaching (french/english): thus materialising our UPA benchmark of bridging the "lingual blocs" that still seperate Africa.

Rusine Alexis (Rwanda)
is founder and director of SDM 'The Star of Development': a training and consultation bureau promoting the 'Culture of Créativity, Innovation and Entrepreneuriat'. By his large experience in organising and conducting négociations, he is challenging us to include our Peace inputs into "real life": that means to add to Peace work the specific "political dimension" of Civic Diplomacy as a sector not yet fully developped amongst Peace Builders.

Tientcheu Bertrand (Cameroon)
is senior program officer at the Youth Desk of the Council of Protestant Churches of Cameroon (CEPCA). He is consultant of diverse Civil Society Organizations and works essentially on the participatory processes in local governance settings. For this, he is involved in building bridges of dialogue and concertation between citizen and state institions. He is the promotor of the African Centre for Démocracy and Governance (CADEG), a local organization dedicated on action-research and dissemination of knowledge and attitudes to leaders and organizations. That is his field of bringing additional value through putting our UPA teaching into a larger context of good gouvernance, in action-research and in networking.

Yassinguezo Fleur Nathalie Fifamé (Bénin)
Sister Fleur Nathalie is a certified trainer in Non-Violent Communication according to the approach of Marshall Rosenberg. She has a degree in moral and metaphysical philosophy and is trained in the use of several tools for personal development, team management, prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts. She is the founding president of the Association for Non-Violent Communication in Benin (ACNV-BENIN) and director of the Cabinet Saint Augustin de Formation, de Médiation et d'Accom-pagnement (CASAFMA – Training, Mediation and Accompagnement). For several years, she has been working as a Human Relations Consultant with families, companies, civil society organisations, state institutions and international organisations in several countries in Africa and Europe.

Please NOTE: The final composition of the Campus teachers' team is subject to change from year to year, depending on availability and invitation of other experts from our network. Please refer to the UPA program of the present year published with our individual calls for registration, 4 months before the Campus.

After 20 years JUBILEE in Burundi (Oct.2023) we invite you to join the newstart

13.-27.10., KENYA

Please visit here:
Invitation Poster UPA
>> Modules planed

Ask registration form
at upa@apte-net.de

Campus 2021, Bénin
Campus 2022, Togo
Campus 2023, Burundi

UPA Peace Song 2023

Burundi Anniversary
Strong Voice Production
videos or podcasts

UPABP - Panafrican Union of Peace Builders. This is the network and platform of more than 320 Laureates from 30 countries and 20 years UPA. In various and prominent respon-sibilities and positions, they join local Peace efforts in PTG-Groups: Peace Training Group. They say: "It's not how far we have came, but how far we can go". Follow at www.upabp.org
PROGRAMM INOVAR -  Intervention NOn-Violente Active et Rapide (en Afrique)

Teams of panafrican Peace Builders (from UPA alumni) join local activities of desescala-tion, conflict management, mediation in direct intervention for several months at selected communities.
2010/11 Burundi/RDCongo
2014/16 RCA, Cameroun
2016/19 RCA
2019/25 RCA
to our Laureats/Partners

FRANCE National Award of
HumanRights 2013
UNESCO PrixConfucius 2011
HARUBUNTU Tchad 2010
and IvoryCoast 2009
UNHCR PeacePrice 2006

En français s'il vous plaîs