WEBSITE REVISED: February 2023

For more information and all further dialogue, you are kindly invited to contact us at any time. We will be happy to reply to all of your concerns and to help to achieve your arrival on our UPA campus. Please pay attention to our GENERAL TERMS OF PARTICIPATION hereunder.

APTE (UG), HRB Regensburg No. 14133
Agency for Project Consultancy, Training and Evaluation
Bahnhofstr. 18/Ost, D-93047 Regensburg / Germany
Fon: + 49-941-4670040. Fax: + 49-941-4670030

Your CONTACT person: Hubert Heindl/UPA Board


The University of Peace in Africa (UPA) is a project of social and methodolo-gical training of maintaining and re-establishment of Peace, of prevention of vicious circles of violence, and of positive conflict management. The UPA is offered by APTE(UG), Agency for Project consultancy, Training and Evaluation, a private social agency working from Regensburg in Germany. By invitation of a local partner in peacework, the Campus UPA opens every year in another country in Africa for three weeks of intensive and modular training, guided by specialised international/africain trainers, chosen for their pedagogic and practical experience.

These general terms explain the conditions of your participation, guide our contract of training, identify our accompaniment of your commitment to Peace, as a Peace Builder in healing and social cohesion at personal and community level.


(11) During the process of registration, by filling our DIALOGUE FORM, you provide any information necessary and/or asked by our Directors, allowing to assess your eligibility and your admission to the UPA Campus.

(12) By your request of registration you accept that your personal data (for ex. name, postal and electronic addresses, telephone numbers) are registered and treated within at our UPA files. We guarantee that all this given information remains internal in UPA and is used only to assess your eligibility and to know eachother before your arrival on the UPA Campus.

(13) Following the evaluation of your registration form by our Directors, once you are selected as a candidate, you will receive CERTIFICATE OF PRELIMINAIRY REGISTRATION by which we reserve for you the training place on the Campus and within the international and panafrican group of the participants.

This is how we commit us to our organisation of UPA, to its contents and didactics as well as to our preparation dialogue with you (before the Campus), the training itself (during the Campus) and the accompaniment during your practice of the training in your back home project (after the Campus).

At the same time, it is your commitment to us about the payment of your training fees and all other expenses of your travel as well as concerning your active participation in preparation (before Campus), in the training (during Campus) and in the practice of the training (after Campus) within your back home project.

(14) With the certificate of preliminary registration, you will get the amount and the deadline for PAYMENT OF 1st INSTALLEMENT of training fees.

(15) In the case of non-payment of total fees at the deadline communicated in your preliminary registration, your place granted will be cancelled and given to another person pre-selected.


(21) The annual call for registration shows the GENERAL TRAINING PROGRAM with its modules, didactics and the available INTERNATIONAL/AFRICAIN TRAINING STAFF. While respecting an identical approach, from one year to the other, proposed modules can slightly change according to availability of training staff and/or of local conditions in the host country of our UPA Campus. In no case, this variation harms the quality of the training and its recognised value.

(22) Your commitment and your active participation throughout the annual process of the UPA Campus (from active preparation to execution of your back home project) shall be recognized by a qualified CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.


(31) The annual call for registration fixes the COSTS OF TRAINING which we ask you to pay before arrival to the Campus, prerequisite for your final admission. This payment can be negotiated in (several) instalments.

(32) All training costs (training staff, learning material), the functioning of the Campus during three weeks time (accommodation, restaurant, local transport linked to the training), and for your accompaniment by our Trainers’ Team (from registration up to one year after the session) are covered by the training fees.

(33) Expenses for your trip to and from the country of the annual UPA are NOT INCLUDED IN THE TRAINING FEES: (air)tickets, accommodation and restaurant during travel, administrative expenses, visa, insurance etc. All expenses, personal and private considered necessary during your stay are NOT INCLUDED IN THE TRAINING FEES: e.g. your individual transport after daily training hours, for your professional and/or private communication by telephone or internet, for your health and your medical care, for your pocket money, etc. NO PERDIEM is paid by UPA.

(34) In the case of an urgent necessity, the MODIFICATION OF THE AMOUNT OF TRAINING FEE will be communicated immediately to you by our Directors. An urgent necessity exists, if major changings in prices and costs occur after call for registration in the host country (e.g. condition of accommodation, of transport, change of the contracted location), or in the exchange rates of local currency.

An increase of more than 10 % in comparison with what was announced in the call for registration allows you to cancel your participation, with right to be entirely reimbursed the already paid instalments.

(35) The UPA Campus is a self-financing project paying all expenses through the training fees received by every participant. According to commitments taken by UPA in the host country and referring to your commitment on preliminary registration, except regulations of 3.4 and 3.5, RECEIVED EXPENSES OF TRAINING ARE NOT REIMBOURSED.

After the opening of the UPA Campus, prevented from being there and/or arriving late, no refund of expenses of training can be asked, not even partial (e.g. for single days of delay). For other cases of cancellation, caused by FORCE MAJEURE, any refund must be asked on a written base, giving official and incontestable proof of obstacle. Are considered to be force majeure: serious illness, accidents, decease of a member of the inner family, reasons due to natural disasters.

Shall be not reimbursed on already paid sums …
… 10 % of the training fees, if your cancellation is done within 40 days before the date of opening of the UPA Campus;
… 50 % of the training fees, if your cancellation is done within 20 days before the date of opening of the UPA;
… 80 % of the training fees, if your cancellation is done within 10 days before the date of opening of the UPA Campus.

For any reason that may lead to your non-arrival on the Campus site and for to avoid you the expenses of cancellation, the UPA Directors, in consent with the Trainers’ Team, can accept a person substitute offered by you, under condition that he/she qualifies him-/herself according to the rules of eligibility of UPA as any other candidate.

(36) According to its concept, UPA grants NO SUBSIDY AND/OR FINANCIAL AID to the registered participants.
For particular cases and through its network of partners, the UPA Directors get, from time to time the possibility to select and accept “free of charge” participation. Conditioned by rules and particular procedures of the donor organisation and by the rules of UPA itself, these grants are allocated only after meticulous examination of your situation and may cover partly or entirely your expenses of training and/or your expenses of participation (travel, visa). For the effort of additional administration of such a sponsorship (accountability, reports) UPA reserves the right to increase general training fee by a 10% lump sum.


(41) Our UPA CAMPUS IS RESIDENTIAL. Your presence is compulsory during the hours of training sessions and all additional events of training, of conference, of leisure decided and organised commonly and approved by the Campus Director. Any absence during these hours must be motivated by the Campus Director. Frequent and not approved absence or delays of arrival to the Campus, as well as pre-departures from the Campus shall be sanctionned and shall lead to a non-remittance of CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.

(42) On-site documentation of our learning, active reporting and mediatisation of the Campus makes it NECESSARY TO TAKE PHOTOS AND FILMS/VIDEOS. Local press and media are invited regularly to the Campus in order to witness about the learning, the success of the training and the commitment of participants. By your request of registration and by our official registration you accept to be taken at photos and videos during your stay in the Campus. You declare transfer of all rights on such photo and video material to the UPA Directorate, including the right of publishing in public press and media as well as in social media. The Directorate of UPA will never sell this material, but use it strictly limited to the context of UPA learning, sharing and communication.

(43) The HOSTING of the participants and the trainers is LOCALLY ORGANISED by our partner in the host country and according to conditions and general standards of cicil society structures in the country. Accommodation and food are assured according to local habits and availability. Particular measures are taken to assure a healthy variation fitting the needs and comfort of every participant. For exceptional situations, non-individual and non-self-contained rooms can be offered, especially during field trip to exposure visits.

(44) You guarantee for all PREPARATION OF YOUR TRAVEL: reservation, booking and payment of your return (air-)tickets, of your passport and any travel document required (e.g. exit visa, order form of your employer, etc.), the request and the delivery on time of your entry visa for the UPA host country, if required.

The UPA team will try to support you, according to means and capacities, in the accomplishment of these formalities, with information (e.g. embassies, visa and health regulations), by an official invitation issued by UPA (after payment of complete training fee), by recommendations and dialogue with your contact persons, if you wish and ask for it.

(45) You make sure yourself all your MEDICAL PREVENTION necessary for your tavel and your stay on the UPA Campus: required vaccinations, your general medecine that you may need, advice of your doctor, etc. UPA does not take care of any medical treatment or of medical return in your country. UPA recommends you to buy, at the very least an international health insurance and accident insurance.

(46) For reasons of FORCE MAJEURE (war, violence and internal insecurity, natural disasters, etc.) the UPA Director reserves the right and has the responsibility to cancel and/or to postpone the UPA Campus. Is also considered to be force majeure the fact that the necessary number of participants is not attained (either by eligible registration, or for arrival of participants on Campus site), allowing an efficient organisation and successful running of the session.

(47) The UPA Director, facing force majeure, according to its own considerations and judgements, and/or held by rules and (international or national) conventions and legislation, reserves the right to interrupt, to postpone and/or to close the ongoing Campus with immediate effect. In such case, without admitting any responsibilities for the return of the participants, the UPA Director and its team urges its efforts, according to means and capacities, to support pariticipants at the farthest to travel back safely to their countries.


(51) As a participant in the Campus, you declare to be prepared to collaborate closely and cordially with all other participants and actors of the Campus. You shall avoid and refrain from any act or behaviour likely to hinder or harm the positive running of the Campus or the image of UPA organisers, locally and the three UPA institutions. In case of breaching this commitment the Director, according to its own considerations and judgements, reserves the right of exclusion from the Campus.

(52) Evey participant is aware that the Peace issues trained in the UPA and the training itself in every country are considering sensitive and precarious situations and environments; in particular in referring to biographical experience of direct violences, of trauma and destruction of society and infrastructure through war and terrorism. The participants and actors around the organisation of the Campus may be people directly affected by war, armed conflict or sexual harassment and violence. Every participant therefore declares that he/she respects and protects the rights and dignity of children and vulnerable adults and protects them from abuse, exploitation and violence, in particular sexualised violence.

(53) The participant declares to report cases of sexual harassment, abuse and exploitation of any person, in particular child or vulnerable adult; including cases in which the participant is involved, under investigation or prosecuted. Failure to comply with the protection of the right of persons, children and vulnerable adults in particular, and failure to report breaches of such protection will result in disciplinary action, including press of criminal charges and report an offense to the appropriate authority, exclusion from the Campus.


(61) Once a clause of these terms of participation in the UPA Campus proves to be non-valid or non-applicable, other articles and conditions are not affected and remain valid and applicable.

(62) In case of conflict the interested parties promise to treat it amicably by searching a solution closest at their needs and interests. In case it does not succeed, a mediation can be offered by one or several parts in conflict. This mediation will be led by two independent mediators indicated by consensus of the interested parties.

(63) Any regulations of conflict in the context of your participation in UPA training shall be governed by German legislation, shall be deposited and proceeded at the UPA location, in Regensburg/Germany.

Created by UPA Director, 31st March 2004, Regensburg/Germany,
updated in 2015, Current version (last update 2024)

After 20 years JUBILEE in Burundi (Oct.2023) we invite you to join the newstart

13.-27.10., KENYA

Please visit here:
Invitation Poster UPA
>> Modules planed

Ask registration form

Campus 2021, Bénin
Campus 2022, Togo
Campus 2023, Burundi

UPA Peace Song 2023

Burundi Anniversary
Strong Voice Production
videos or podcasts

UPABP - Panafrican Union of Peace Builders. This is the network and platform of more than 320 Laureates from 30 countries and 20 years UPA. In various and prominent respon-sibilities and positions, they join local Peace efforts in PTG-Groups: Peace Training Group. They say: "It's not how far we have came, but how far we can go". Follow at
PROGRAMM INOVAR -  Intervention NOn-Violente Active et Rapide (en Afrique)

Teams of panafrican Peace Builders (from UPA alumni) join local activities of desescala-tion, conflict management, mediation in direct intervention for several months at selected communities.
2010/11 Burundi/RDCongo
2014/16 RCA, Cameroun
2016/19 RCA
2019/25 RCA
to our Laureats/Partners

FRANCE National Award of
HumanRights 2013
UNESCO PrixConfucius 2011
HARUBUNTU Tchad 2010
and IvoryCoast 2009
UNHCR PeacePrice 2006

En français s'il vous plaîs