University of Peace in Africa
The Directors' Board
c/o APTE(UG) - Agency for Project Consultancy, Training and Evaluation
Bahnhofstr. 18(Ost), D-93047 Regensburg / Germany
Fon: + 49-941-4670040
Fax: + 49-941-4670030
Administrative Director: Hubert HEINDL, Regensburg
Commercial Register: HRB Regensburg No 1413
Data Protection
(1) To the extent that personal information (such as a name, address or e-mail address) is collected through our membership communications, this is done and agreed by all participating/communicating parties. We are operating and treating personal data exclusively for the internal organisation of UPA Campus and the networking within UPA Laureates and UPA partner organisations. We are not using data for any profiling (scoring), data are not treated or processed by external mailing services, for any advertising or merging with other organisations.
(2) You have the right to prevent any data registration in our UPA files. At any time you may choose to stop your data registration by any non-formal message to us. We will delete consequently and immediately all personal data from our files. Please be aware that services on UPA networking and information sharing is not efficient without a minimum of data registration.
(3) Please note that data transmission via the Internet (e.g. communicating by eMail) can lead to security risk, e.g. mailing of spam, illegal data phishing to what we have no means of controlling or preventing from UPA side.
(4) UPA is never asking you personal Codes, Passwords or Pins for any of your files, internet management or bank accounts. All tranfers of fees and payements that you may need to do or that we may need to do, are executed through ordinary bank or money transfer procudures: in no case they need personal Codes, Password or Pins from your side.
(5) On-site documentation of our experience sharing, active membership dialogue and mediatisation of the UPA activities makes it necessary to take and to publish photos, films, video and audio clips. Press and media are invited regularly to cover and to witness about UPA Campus. In participating to UPA every person is aware of and accepts to be taken at photos and videos. Every person declares transfer of all rights on such photo and video material to the UPA Directorate, including the right of publishing in public press and media as well as in social media. UPA will never sell this material, but use it strictly limited to the context of internal UPA sharing and communication. In case that you have any objection to this limited use of your photo or media with your person, please indicate by writing and before the UPA Campus. You don't need to give any reason for your objection.
Liability for Content
Despite careful substantive preparation and regular examination, we assume no liability for the contents of these pages or for internal or external links to other websites or content that we may introduce. The content on our site was produced with great care. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any warranty that the content is accurate, complete or up to date.
Liability for Links
Our website may contain links to external, third-party websites over which we have no control. We therefore cannot assume any warranty for this third-party content. We are not obligated to monitor third-party information provided or stored on our website, or to seek evidence that could indicate illegal activity, without prejudice to legal obligations to remove or block the use of such information. Once and every time we become aware of a specific violation of law, we will promptly remove such content from our links and website content.
The content and works provided on these pages are governed by German copyright law. Contributions by third parties are identified as such. Any reproduction, modification, distribution or any other use beyond the scope of the copyright requires the prior written permission of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are permitted for private, non-commercial use only. The site providers make every effort to respect the copyrights of others and to use self-created and license-free works.
Note and Clarification Regarding Equal Treatment
The terms presented and used in this website apply equally to the masculine and feminine form and are not used to the disadvantage of one gender. This also applies to situation descriptions included by way of example, to quoted opinions, and to other life circumstances included for informational purposes.
After 20 years JUBILEE in Burundi (Oct.2023) we invite you to join the newstart
13.-27.10., KENYA
Please visit here:
>> Invitation Poster UPA
>> Modules planed
Ask registration form
Campus 2021, Bénin
Campus 2022, Togo
Campus 2023, Burundi
UPA Peace Song 2023
Burundi Anniversary
Strong Voice Production
videos or podcasts
UPABP - Panafrican Union of Peace Builders. This is the network and platform of more than 320 Laureates from 30 countries and 20 years UPA. In various and prominent respon-sibilities and positions, they join local Peace efforts in PTG-Groups: Peace Training Group. They say: "It's not how far we have came, but how far we can go". Follow at
PROGRAMM INOVAR - Intervention NOn-Violente Active et Rapide (en Afrique)
Teams of panafrican Peace Builders (from UPA alumni) join local activities of desescala-tion, conflict management, mediation in direct intervention for several months at selected communities.
2010/11 Burundi/RDCongo
2014/16 RCA, Cameroun
2016/19 RCA
2019/25 RCA
to our Laureats/Partners
FRANCE National Award of
HumanRights 2013
UNESCO PrixConfucius 2011
HARUBUNTU Tchad 2010
and IvoryCoast 2009
UNHCR PeacePrice 2006