Burundi, Gitega (09/2006) + Bujumbura (10/2023)

Togo, Lomé CONGO(Brazzaville), Pointe-Noire Rwanda, Butare (07/2018) + Nyagatare (12/2020) Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou Cameroon, Bofoussam DRCongo, Goma Benin, Cotonou Senegal, Ziguinchor Niger, Niamey Uganda, Mukono Burundi, Gitega (09/2006) + Bujumbura (10/2023) Chad, Moundou Kenya, Machakos (11/2008) + Nairobi (10/2024) Central African Republic, Bangui Ivory Coast, Bingerville

November 2006: participants from Kenya, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ivory Coast, DRCongo, Germany, Italy, Rwanda, South Africa, Senegal, Sudan

October 2023: Centre Jeunes Kamenge
Campus of 20 years UPA Jubilee
Participants from Burkina Faso, Burundi, DRCongo, CAR, Togo, Germany

After 20 years JUBILEE in Burundi (2023) we invite
YOU to join the next


Please visit here:
Invitation Poster UPA
>> Modules planed

Ask registration form
at upa@apte-net.de

Campus 2022, Togo
Campus 2024, Kenya

UPA Peace Song 2023

Burundi Anniversary
Strong Voice Production
videos or podcasts

UPABP - Panafrican Union of Peace Builders. This is the network and platform of more than 320 Laureates from 30 countries and 20 years UPA. In various and prominent respon-sibilities and positions, they join local Peace efforts in PTG-Groups: Peace Training Group. They say: "It's not how far we have came, but how far we can go". Follow at www.upabp.org
PROGRAMM INOVAR -  Intervention NOn-Violente Active et Rapide (en Afrique)

Teams of panafrican Peace Builders (from UPA alumni) join local activities of desescala-tion, conflict management, mediation in direct intervention for several months at selected communities.
2010/11 Burundi/RDCongo
2014/16 RCA, Cameroun
2016/19 RCA
2019/25 RCA
to our Laureats/Partners

FRANCE National Award of
HumanRights 2013
UNESCO PrixConfucius 2011
HARUBUNTU Tchad 2010
and IvoryCoast 2009
UNHCR PeacePrice 2006

En français s'il vous plaîs